Blackpool Library |
Leabharlann na Linne Duibhe
Information | Eolas
Address: Blackpool Library, Redforge Road, Blackpool, Cork T23 AP11
Seoladh: Leabharlann na Linne Duibhe, Bóthar na Ceárta Deirge, An Linn Dubh, Corcaigh T23 AP11
Opening Hours:
- Staffed Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm | Closed for Lunch 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
- My Open Library Access is available to registered My Open Library members
Monday to Sunday 8.00 am - 10.00 pm
Contact: Email:; | Tel: Adults Library (021) 492 4933; Children’s Library (021) 492 4937
Public Transport: 203, 207A and 215
Blackpool Library is closed on Public Holidays and Bank Holiday Weekends.
Registered My Open Library users can continue to visit Douglas Library on Public Holidays and Bank Holiday Weekends.
Facilities | Áiseanna
- My Open Library (special registration required)
- Wheelchair Accessible
- Charging stations
- Hublets
- Toilet Facilities
- Community Rooms
- Self-service Kiosks
- Printing and Photocopying
- Scanner
- Wi-Fi and Public Internet
- Parking (subject to time limits)
Clubs and Groups | Clubanna agus Grúpaí
A variety of clubs and groups meet in Blackpool Library. As group meeting times can change, please contact the library for the most up-to-date information.
Book a space | Spás a chur in áirithe
Available to book subject to Cork City Libraries' Use of Library Spaces Policy
Blackpool library has two community rooms. These rooms are available to library groups and other community groups.
Booking is also available during My Open Library hours for registered My Open Library patrons and booking is essential.
For more information on using a community room contact:
Email: or Tel: (021) 492 4933