Welcome Videos

Welcome to the Library videos in different languages for new readers, visitors and newcomers to Cork.

Welcome Videos | Físeáin Fáilteacha

Welcome, Fáilte, Witamy, Bienvenue, Sveiki to Cork City Libraries. Here you will find library introduction videos in sixteen languages for new members, visitors and newcomers to Cork. If you would like to contribute a language that we don't have, we would be delighted if you would contact elibrary@corkcity.ie.

Thanks to the staff and readers who contributed to this project: Ann Riordan, Deirdre Swain, Beata Molendowska, Yvonne Moloney, Antanas Keturakis, Gerda Ryan, Maria Luis, Nevin Goeren, Anastasia Zhelonkina, Ian O'Sullivan, Marius Roman, Marie Murphy, Phil Stead, Hester Casey, Ana Spehar and Eileen Drumgoole. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.

For text transcript, please view the videos in Vimeo. Transcript is provided in the video Description.



Sign Language

Polish - Witaj w Bibliotekach Miejskich w Cork

French - Bienvenue à Cork City Libraries!

Lithuanian - Sveiki atvykę į Korko miesto bibliotekas

Italian - Benvenuti alla Biblioteca Municipale di Cork

Portuguese - Bem-vindos às Bibliotecas Municipais de Cork

Romanian - Bine ați venit la Cork City Libraries

Russian - Добро пожаловать в городские библиотеки Корка

Spanish - Bienvenido a las bibliotecas de la ciudad de Cork

Turkish - Cork City Kütüphaneleri'ne hoş geldiniz

German - Herzlich Willkommen zu den Stadtbüchereien von Cork City

Welsh - Croeso i Lyfrgelloedd Dinas Cork

Dutch - Welkom in de Cork City bibliotheken.

Croatian - Dobrodošli u Gradsku Knjižnicu Cork
